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Tuesday, November 1, 2011

Cleaning House

Just before the busy holiday baking season, I tend to get antsy about clutter in my house.  So, this year, I'm trying to keep ahead of the game.  I had a Living Social deal for a cleaning service - and they did a GREAT job yesterday!  My house has not sparkled this much since I made settlement on that same day, October 31 - fourteen years ago!  I could get used to having someone clean my house!

Today, with the assistance of my niece Katie, I got a boxful of filing sorted and filed.  Just having her here helped - she's such a sweetie and lots of fun, but also very smart and a hard worker.  In no time (well, maybe a couple of hours), we were finished!

It's nice to have things neat and clean.  Shakes the cobwebs out of my mind, too.  I had a very productive day, and that always feels good! 

I spoke with a prospective customer who wants to advertise and take orders for my gourmet holiday cookie trays at her cafe.  Completed an application to participate in an ongoing after-school cooking program with a local school district - if they get the grant they're looking to get.  Got my holiday help started on an order due this Saturday - the girls (Katie and her friend) had fun dipping pretzels, Oreos, and peanut butter balls in chocolate - yum!

Started the day with Mass for All Saints Day - and thought about All Souls Day tomorrow, when we remember those we've lost and pray for them. 

It's days like these when I feel most accomplished, together, capable - all great qualities to strive for every day - but somehow they're so much easier to attain when I have a clean house!  ;-)

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