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Thursday, November 10, 2011

Who Am I?

On the eve of my 55th birthday, I find myself looking at my life - and I want to share who I think I am.

Since I can remember, I've loved children.  I'm told that I'd go grocery shopping with Mom when I was a toddler and point at babies in other carts and say, "I want one of those!"  I was never blessed me with children, but that has not prevented me from surrounding myself with kids - to teach, to enjoy, to laugh with, to share stories with, and more.  Kids are so honest, so innocent, and so funny.  I think that's why I like them so much! 

It's also why I feel so protective of kids.  So, this has been a difficult week, learning about the tragedy of children being harmed at Penn State.  It actually hurts my heart - and I tend to get pretty riled up when I hear of anyone who would harm a child or turn a blind eye to knowledge of abuse. 

What else defines me?  I'd like to think a sense of humor - inherited from my Dad, who always has a ready smile and an easy laugh. 

Family is important to me - and although both of my parents have instilled a love of family in me, it was particularly important to Mom, since she had a tough time growing up.  It's great to get together with our own family - as well as the extended family. 

I really love spending time with my nieces and nephews - and seeing them grow up, seeing how they remind me of my sister and my brothers, hearing their thoughts on any topic, learning their lingo - and using it out of context, much to their delight. 

I have been told I'm approachable - I like when people feel relaxed around me.  I never want anyone to feel uncomfortable, so I try to be open and welcoming to those I meet. 

I'm a good listener (although, truth be told, probably more of a good talker)!  I love having gabfests with my oldest, dearest friends - and I find it's easy to pick up where I left off, even if I haven't spoken to a friend in a long time. 

I'm direct - you know where you stand with me. 

I am loyal when it comes to love - in any of its variations - if you're a friend, family member, or someone else I love, you know you're stuck with me!  I'm inquisitive - I like to ask questions - and I really AM interested in the answers.

Oh, yeah, and reading back on this, apparently, I like myself and have no faults!  ;-)

And, I have an excellent memory. When I look back at this blog at age 65, 75, and beyond (if blogs are even used by then - who knows what the future will hold?), I hope I can still say that I have a good memory! 

With that, I think I'll put on a pair of Depends, take out my teeth and put them in a jar on my nightstand, and go to bed early!  (Just kidding!!!)  Happy Birthday to ME!!!

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