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Friday, May 11, 2012

Mother's Day for Non-Mothers!

This particular weekend in May brings mixed emotions for me.  I am joyful to still celebrate with my Mom.  She's 86, now, and she has been quite an inspiration.  Some women grimace when compared to their mothers.  But, if I am like MY Mom, I think it's a compliment. Mom has always loved and protected her family fiercely. She is loyal to Dad and proud of her children and grandchildren.  Mom instilled in me my love of cooking and baking.  She stands up for what she believes in.  Mom is never afraid to speak her mind.  She is spiritual and loves God.  So, these are all good qualities that I try to emulate. (Thanks, MOM!!!)

One thing Mom has that I don't - and won't, ever - is that she IS a Mom.  So, as Mother's Day weekend approaches, and I grow older and know I'll NEVER be any child's mom, it sometimes makes me a bit sad.  I grew up thinking that I'd have a whole bunch of kids.  I didn't dream about my wedding...or the father of those kids.  Haha - maybe that's why it never happened for me!  And, usually, I'm fine with the life I have.  Today, though, was one of those days when I was wistful for what might've been, if only...

So, it was well-timed and very appropriate that I should receive a Facebook email from a now-grown former third grade student of mine - a wonderful (like all of my "kids") young woman who has come into her own - with a family and career to be proud of.  (Now, the age gap doesn't feel so great, and I wonder HOW my students' parents could've entrusted their children with a young teacher like me!)

With her permission, I am sharing Shannan's email:

It's Teacher Appreciation Week. So since this wasn't invented when I was a kid (LOL), let me say, some 30 years later...I appreciate all that you did for me as a student in your class. I appreciate the time, care and attention that you gave to each kid in our 3rd grade class. I am grateful that you saw the gifts that God gave to each student and celebrated our unique qualities and am even more grateful that you recognized the gifts God gave to you and that you chose to share them with your students. The impact you had on my life is still felt and has helped me to become an alright kind of lady. I am not perfect and I still have plenty of room for improvement. However, I know what is better and I know I can get there, in part, because of your teachings and the love that you showed. Thank you Miss Wolper!!!

So, I wrote back and told Shannan how timely her email was - and why.  She responded:

You may not have been blessed with your own children and that is a shame because I bet you would have been an awesome Mom, but maybe it was God's plan to let you be the caretaker of all the kids you've taught and influenced and continue to do so with your camps. Don't stay sad for too long. You are amazing!!!! Love you!

How did one of my third grade students get to be so wise?  Oh, yeah, must've been her teacher!  ;-)

Thanks, Shannan, for making my day!  I'm lucky to have become reacquainted with you and so many of my former students, thanks to Facebook.  Somehow, I'm feeling pretty good about myself now.  I've been a teacher to thousands of children - and I never had to change a diaper or pay tuition!

So, to MY Mom, my sister Mary, my sisters-in-law Lori and Lisa, my BFF Alberta, my godmother Aunt Mimi, all of my online friends who are Moms, and Shannan and my other former students/now moms, HAPPY MOTHER'S DAY!!!

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